nVidia has announced their "Final card in the 700 lineup" the GTX 760 which is available now for $250.00, now this is interesting.
So far the benchmarks are showing it performing stronger than the elder 660 TI variant, and even trading blows with the 670 and coming up on the curtails of the 770 (With healthy overclock).
This has me thinking of many possibilities for a budget multi monitor rig. at $250, its affordable for anyone who thinks that looking at three monitors is required for gaming. With the physical throughput when overclocked coming up to play on the bumper of a 770 when overclocked, and with the 256-bit memory interface and 4g variants. I think that this would be a solid preformer for someone on a budget.
You won't game maxed settings at 5640, but I can see medium settings on mainstream titles which on that resolution would still look mindblowing.
It also leaves you with a solid upgrade path, get a second card when you can and then you are set until you upgrade to a 980.
What are all of your thoughts on this? I think this is a very well priced card, and I'm happy to finally see nVidia coming back down to earth after their 600 series launch...
Check it out!