Widescreen Gaming Forum

Is there a best way to connect? (HD7970 users especially)
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Author:  Thrillhouse [ 21 Mar 2012, 18:51 ]
Post subject:  Is there a best way to connect? (HD7970 users especially)

One of the reasons I picked the monitors I did (3x Dell 2312HM) is that they have a variety of native connections, including a DisplayPort. I've still got the HD5870 that I had when I expanded to a three-monitor setup, and I connect with 2xDVI cables and 1xDisplayPort cable (no dongles needed).

I'm planning to upgrade in the next few months, however, and I have the prejudice (correct or not) that it's best to have native connections (i.e., no adapters) if possible, all else equal. But I'm most likely going to go for an HD7970, and it's not clear that 'no adapters' is even going to be an option. Most of these appear to have 1xDVI, 1xHDMI, and 2xMiniDisplayPort. So I'm wondering how people (especially 7970 users) connect their three-monitor setups; whether people have had better luck with some configurations than others; and whether it's worth considering one of the rare HD7970 cards that has 2xDVI and 4xDisplayPort just to have additional connection options?

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