Widescreen Gaming Forum

I need 3 x 2 multi-monitor HDMI advice
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Author:  kineticist [ 16 Aug 2011, 23:10 ]
Post subject:  I need 3 x 2 multi-monitor HDMI advice

I'm an artist and I plan on creating a large multi-monitor display using flat screen TV's.

I want to create a 3 x 2 display.

I don't plan on using this for games. I will be taking images and displaying them in real-time on the display. Nothing fancy.

I'd like advice on the number and type of graphics cards. I expect the flat screens will require HDMI or VGA. I plan on using Windows 7 for the driving operating system. I will be writing custom software to output the images so I don't need the hardware to merge the 6 displays into one virtual display as long as Windows 7 will recognize the multiple monitors and I can access them. I will buy the monitors new but I don't plan on buying the top of the line.

I've been looking at the Eyefinity 6, but I'm a little worried about all of the talk of active displayport to HDMI problems and the cost of all of the adapters.

Any suggestions?

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