Widescreen Gaming Forum

Motherboard Suggestion for xfire 6970
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Author:  bonoscot [ 31 Jul 2011, 22:01 ]
Post subject:  Motherboard Suggestion for xfire 6970

Hey guys i currently have a p7p55d LE, on the second pci it only runs at 4x,so this board is useless to me.
Im looking to add another 6970,can you guys give me suggestions of any boards that will run both cards at full speed????



PS,i dont know much bout motherboards,can the board i have now run both cards? and will i loose performance if i do?Will it be much? is it still worth getting the second 6970 just now or will the bandwith becut/lost?


Author:  Gilly [ 02 Aug 2011, 11:22 ]
Post subject:  bonoscot wrote:can the board

can the board i have now run both cards?


Quad-GPU CrossFireX Support!

So it does work, you might lose a little performance of the order of less than 3% by running with this board. But it should be fine.

Author:  bonoscot [ 02 Aug 2011, 18:56 ]
Post subject:  Thanks so would you suggest i

Thanks so would you suggest i went for another card? Is it only about 3% loss in total? i just dont wanna buy a card and its kinda useless.
But i cant afford a new mobo plus a card just now :(

If i bought a 6950/6870 for instance what would the loss be on this board considering the second pci slot only runs at x4.

If running in crossfire and im getting 40 fps in eyefinity on latest game,BF3 etc, What would i expect the fps to raise to,once running in eyefinity?

So Basically is it worth it,considering the board

Im just trying to get all set for BF3 :)


Author:  bonoscot [ 13 Nov 2011, 17:25 ]
Post subject:  Bump................


Author:  bonoscot [ 13 Nov 2011, 17:30 ]
Post subject:  another option is to buy a

another option is to buy a new motherboard now,should i buy a new motherboard to run 2x6970s?
I dont wanna replace all my parts ie PSU,Ram et,so what board would you guys suggest that run in 16x,16x rail?

Or is buying a new 6970 and adding it to my existing board,(p7p55d le) would the 3% loss be ok still? would i be able to run BF3 in high-ultra with good frames?,with 2x6970s in xfire on this board?

Author:  Tono [ 16 Nov 2011, 20:56 ]
Post subject:  Well, it seems that Asus

Well, it seems that Asus Maximus III GENE Socket 1156 allows you to play crossfire x8/x8... price 167euros here. It seems that socket1156 motherboards are out of stock in my dealershop!
May be with that mobo you could overclock your CPU.

I can´t tell you anything about performance increase...

Here you have a little comparison in between x16/x16 and x8/x8:


Author:  Gilly [ 17 Nov 2011, 17:13 ]
Post subject:  As I said with the board you

As I said with the board you have, you MIGHT lose up to around 3% compared to a "fictional" identical board with 2 16x slots. I personally don't think that it is a problem. I would have no hesitation to go to a pair of any HD cards in your situation. I am personally waiting for a 7000 series which may be released some time around December 2011 to sometime before 2015 hopefully. Very contradictory information on the interwebs.

Author:  Moltar [ 17 Nov 2011, 23:46 ]
Post subject:  Even at x4, you are still

Even at x4, you are still going to get decent FPS. Modern day GPU's can function properly on anything, even down to x1. The x16 is more of a marketing ploy to me and really only beneficial to the benchers in the PC arena. If you already have a board that supports X-Fire, stick with it unless you are planning on upgrading some of your other gear, i.e. memory and CPU.

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