Widescreen Gaming Forum

a couple PSU questions
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Author:  Wheelie88 [ 20 Apr 2010, 16:42 ]
Post subject:  a couple PSU questions

im new to the dual monitor setup still i got a hp 24" and an asus 23"

im lookin to upgrade my fps and performance overall the video card im lookin at requires a beefier psu

How universal are these? this is what i got


im lookin to buy http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817371022

would that fit if not is there different types of plugs with different specs etc?

thanks for your time, Rob

Author:  Abram [ 21 Apr 2010, 08:41 ]
Post subject:  Re: a couple PSU questions

It'll work fine. I hear they're a good PSU manufacturer and it has a 5 year warranty, to boot. That PSU is also backward-compatible with older motherboard power plugs, adn will run on any board that's out now.

I've never had an Antec anything, so I can't tell you go buy it. But the specs meet your needs, for sure.

Some of those HP cases can be small, so remember that you may not enough room for a new card Some are pretty long.

Author:  Wheelie88 [ 22 Apr 2010, 14:16 ]
Post subject:  Re: a couple PSU questions

yes it does get pretty tight in there so possibly after this psu a new case will be in order. thanks for your time

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