Widescreen Gaming Forum

wtb 3 monitors,size or res priority ?
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Author:  ieatchickens [ 03 Apr 2010, 11:29 ]
Post subject:  wtb 3 monitors,size or res priority ?

Hello again, my build is on halt due to budget restraints. Was wondering if you've got suggestions for me.

Three p2210's gonna cost a lot, though I really appreciate the adjustability(stand, tilt, swivel, pivot) of the monitors when done(ppp for browsing/lll for gaming). I'm probably goanna be cornered :( into just having one p2210, and two cheaper side monitors.

Question is should I be looking into 22 inch monitors or is it better to go for 1680x1050 res monitors, so as to not run into incompatibility problems that might arise if I group them with my single p2210.

Really really appreciate your input, and id like to apologize beforehand for my terrible english, im asian

Thanks !

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