Widescreen Gaming Forum

>60Hz monitors ...
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Author:  ieatchickens [ 16 Mar 2010, 13:38 ]
Post subject:  >60Hz monitors ...

Hello and a good evening to all, im new here, been lurking around, and i must say i'm just glad to have had the priviledge to learn so much from this community. So i just thought i could contribute something back. (You guys might know this already) So this is just a heads up.

I've noticed monitors that claim to have refresh rates above 60Hz to be only able to utilize those Hertz when you lower the resolution.

Exhibit a
Asus MS226H 75Hz 1920x1080 ....true but it only works if you run it 1280x1024 as described here http://vip.asus.com/forum/view.aspx?id=20100302232433984&board_id=13&model=MS226H&page=1&SLanguage=en-us

and here http://vip.asus.com/forum/view.aspx?board_id=13&model=VH242H&id=20090323060857659&page=1&SLanguage=en-us

So my question, is it common or even universal practice for monitor makers to screw your plans up like that ?

Or is it due to bandwidth limitations e.g 75hz on VGA, but only 60 for DVI etc etc

I would be most grateful if someone could spend sopme time to clear things up for me. Thanks !

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