Widescreen Gaming Forum

Fastest response time widescreen monitor for gaming?
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Author:  Zack Attack [ 04 Dec 2008, 11:19 ]
Post subject:  Fastest response time widescreen monitor for gaming?

I'm looking for the FASTEST response time monitor for gaming, the plan is to cut down the time it takes the signal to leave the xbox 360 for my eyes to see it. (I believe this would also include having a fast input lag - I heard that VGA has a faster input lag response than HDMI due to less processing of the image)

Preferably a widescreen monitor over 19" would be nice, I've seen many monitors advertise fast response times, but I've read that alot of it is hype, does anyone trully know which is the fastest monitor?


Author:  Abram [ 04 Dec 2008, 16:46 ]
Post subject:  Fastest response time widescreen monitor for gaming?

2ms is the number I've seen representing response time, but I've compared side3-by-sdie 2ms and 5ms, and I cun't see a difference. ANd I've a pretty good eye for such things.

I've read that 2ms is actually slightly fake-o and is really 5ms... so I'd say either will do. Or be paranoid about it and grab a "2ms". They're pretty common. A better thing to watch for is little backlight bleed, where teh light from teh lamp seeps out of the edges. I really ruins gaming experience - especially dark and moody games.

DVI vs VGA is pretty negligble, but HDMI is waht you want. And you usually get what you pay for when it comes to LCDs. THough if your budget is lwoer, Acers seem pretty good for what you pay.

LG, Samsung, Benq, Dell al make higher-end eisplays and all the ones Iv'e seen have been pretty good.

Good time to shop, too, with post-xmas sales.

Author:  skeeder [ 04 Dec 2008, 19:41 ]
Post subject:  Fastest response time widescreen monitor for gaming?

I don't think you need response time. It sounds like you need a low input lag.

Author:  DaFox [ 04 Dec 2008, 22:39 ]
Post subject:  Fastest response time widescreen monitor for gaming?

Input lag is defiantly what your wanting

Check out these charts

Author:  Zack Attack [ 05 Dec 2008, 02:51 ]
Post subject:  Fastest response time widescreen monitor for gaming?

Input lag is defiantly what your wanting

Check out these charts

On the pull-down tab in the middle where it says "Delay compared with a CRT", is this referring to the input lag?

When it says the response time at the bottom for the monitor under 'specifications', I take it that I just add the input lag and the response time together to get the total time for the image to reach my eyes from the xbox? Or is it more complicated than that?

One more question DaFox - this Belinea monitor at the right side of that webpage, was that the fastest input lag + response time total you've found on that site? Or was it just randomly selected?

Thanks in advance.

Author:  [email protected] [ 05 Dec 2008, 03:05 ]
Post subject:  Fastest response time widescreen monitor for gaming?

No it is both combined.

Author:  Zack Attack [ 05 Dec 2008, 03:16 ]
Post subject:  Fastest response time widescreen monitor for gaming?

No it is both combined.

Just to clarify, you mean the chart accounts for response time aswell, so it's the total time for the signal to reach your eyes? So even though that Belinea in that link says 3ms max image delay, and the spec is 5ms response, that 5ms number is incorrect?

Author:  [email protected] [ 05 Dec 2008, 03:59 ]
Post subject:  Fastest response time widescreen monitor for gaming?

The testing method used it both displays are fed the same image of a stop watch simultaneously and then a photo of both screens with minimal exposure time is taken and the numbers displayed on both screens are compared.

Author:  Zack Attack [ 05 Dec 2008, 19:33 ]
Post subject:  Fastest response time widescreen monitor for gaming?

Anyone know what the name of the program is that displays a clock on your screen so you can measure the input lag of a monitor? (shown here) :


Author:  Tamlin [ 05 Dec 2008, 22:58 ]
Post subject:  Fastest response time widescreen monitor for gaming?

Moved to correct section. :)

Prad.de uses "Virtual stopwatch pro" I think.

Response time is how fast the screen in average uses to change colors. Compared to a CRT which have to draw the image constantly, a LCD always stays lit. 5ms means it takes 5ms in average to turn from one shade of color to another. The same screen can have two response times listed in their specs. Grey to grey (G2G) which is how fast in average the screen changes from one shade of color to another. Black to white (BtW/TrTf), which is the combined number of how fast a screen turns from 10% black -> 90% white (Tr) and from 90% white -> 10% black (Tf). A number (like 12ms) can mean its 6ms(Tr)+6ms(Tf)= 12ms.

Since a picture at 60hz (standard LCD refresh) gives 60 frames per second, it needs to be below 16.67ms per frame (1000ms/60=16.67).

Input lag is the time taken from when the signal is sent from your GFX card to when its displayed on screen. If the input lag is 33ms, it roughly means that 33ms after an action has happened in a game, it is shown on screen. (Not counting extra lag caused by GFX card buffering etc. which can increase lag further).

In general, VGA is NOT faster then DVI or HDMI. The reason is simple:

Every LCD screen is digital even if you connect it with a VGA cable. In fact, an analog signal has to go through a analog->digital conversion before processed and could in worst cases cause more lag.

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