I find ATi's drivers better than nVidia's for the most part. At least they don't need a new driver for almost every game you want to play. :lol:
And I've never needed to use their customer support - although piss-poor customer support seems to be standard faire for almost all companies nowadays. :(
It's not how many drivers you need to update to, it's whether there's one available that actually works. Although there are many examples of ATI's lousy drivers and CS, I'll give just two.
When Cat 5.7 came out all of a sudden none of the Medal of Honor games would work on it, including the then 2 expansions Spearheard and Breakthrough. On a call to ATI a few months after this had gone on and tech savvy gamers had discussed on Rage3D there was a workaround for it discovered by a gamer I found ATI was still oblivious to it even being a problem. On the phone their guy implied those on the Rage3D forum just didn't know how to install the game, drivers, or patches and totally mocked the workaround I mentioned which worked fine.
The workaround involved extracting the OpenGL driver from Cat 5.6, putting it in the game's exe directory, and all of the installments will then work off that driver while the rest of your system uses the latest installed driver, simple but effective. A few months later ATI finally mentioned in their driver release notes there was a problem with the MoH games not playing and they were working on a fix for it. The 1st paragraph of this example speaks for ATI's terrible CS attitude.
The other is their terrible dual display support, mainly in the form of lacking a usable extended desktop mode if your primary display is 4:3 and your secondary is widescreen. This is something that has gone on so long I gave up using Cat drivers long ago for the more stable and useful Omegas. Omega drivers being so widely used for ATI cards is perhaps one of THE biggest arguments against using their products. Such drivers wouldn't even be necessary if they'd write their own properly.