Widescreen Gaming Forum

Is Eizo S2410W(B) the best ~23-24" WLCD for Gaming?
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Author:  krille [ 21 Feb 2006, 03:10 ]
Post subject:  Is Eizo S2410W(B) the best ~23-24" WLCD for Gaming?


Disregard cost completely for a minute. This guy (whom I trust) over at another forum is telling me the Eizo S2410W(B) is definitely the best ~23-24" widescreen LCD for gaming sporting 1920x1200 resolution.

1. Is this true? Is it better than all the other such as the Dell 2405FPW, Samsung 244T, the 6ms Acer etc? What do you all think. (I'm not that interested in color reproduction, as long as it looks decently - I do want to be able to watch movies, video etc on my LCD, so I don't want a 6-bit panel, 8-bit is a must -, I'm much more interested in gaming capabilities beyond that though.)

2. Will there be a newer better LCD coming anytime soon (how soon?) that will be superior to this Eizo, or is the Eizo the ultimate LCD (~23-24", 1920x1200, for gaming).

3. If I decided to buy the Eizo, should I buy the S2410W (white version) or the S2410WB (black version)? Through an ergonomics point of view I mean, such as eye strain etc... (I definitely thinks black looks better, but I'm still open for other possibilites.)

Edit: Sorry, I forgot to post link.

Thanks very much!

- Kris

Author:  IIDX [ 21 Feb 2006, 03:42 ]
Post subject:  Is Eizo S2410W(B) the best ~23-24" WLCD for Gaming?

Looking at the reviews, it looks pretty nice.

I personally like the 2405 because of its versatility with the component, s-video and composite inputs, as well as the price. The price of the Eizo is enough to buy TWO 2405FPW's!!

Author:  krille [ 21 Feb 2006, 10:35 ]
Post subject:  Is Eizo S2410W(B) the best ~23-24" WLCD for Gaming?

I don't need component, s-video and composite. Nor do I need two screens. I want one screen I can be happy with (and where I live, no you can't buy two screens for the money... just maybe 1.5 if you want same size). Neglect this, is it "the best" (superior to the rest, including the Dell 2405)?

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 21 Feb 2006, 10:49 ]
Post subject:  Is Eizo S2410W(B) the best ~23-24" WLCD for Gaming?

I was always under the impression that Eizo panels were the LCD worlds answer to CRT colour clarity/purity/accuracy... but that they had terrible response times. I've only ever seen them used by graphics artists who require a large work area, but don't quite have room for a huge CRT.

When it comes to gaming, both colour accuracy and low response time are necessary, but I would say that having a response time less than (or equal to) 16ms is more important.

Not familiar with the specs of that exact panel, but if it's like the other Eizo panels, it'll be something like 25/30ms response time...

Author:  krille [ 21 Feb 2006, 11:19 ]
Post subject:  Is Eizo S2410W(B) the best ~23-24" WLCD for Gaming?

8 ms Midtone Response Time
To enhance moving image playback capabilities, an overdrive circuit is included. Used with many LCD TVs, an overdrive circuit vastly improves the LCD panel’s response time for changing between midtones or gray levels, which is necessary to display color images without blurring.


Looks like 8 ms something to me. Not sure how good it is in reality though. (I've understood one should take these numbers with a bucket of salt.) I know of no reviews of it, though.

This is where I'd (probably) buy it (if I decide to)

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 21 Feb 2006, 11:32 ]
Post subject:  Is Eizo S2410W(B) the best ~23-24" WLCD for Gaming?

Eizo's website says 'midtones', which I imagine is grey-to-grey.

It does this high speed response by using overdrive... overvolting the TFT panel :shock:, which makes me rather nervous.

Author:  krille [ 21 Feb 2006, 13:11 ]
Post subject:  Is Eizo S2410W(B) the best ~23-24" WLCD for Gaming?

How bad is 'mid-tones' or grey-to-grey? Does it mean I should really avoid the screen, or could the black-to-white or ISO response time be good as well? How is this for gaming etc (compared to say the 2405, 244T, L2335 etc)

Why does overvolting the TFT panel make you nervous? It has a five-year warranty. And besides, isn't Dell and other companies using overdrive too? Isn't that the only way to get good response times from TFTs?


Author:  bsp [ 21 Feb 2006, 15:05 ]
Post subject:  Is Eizo S2410W(B) the best ~23-24" WLCD for Gaming?

no hdcp? mmm

Author:  krille [ 21 Feb 2006, 19:27 ]
Post subject:  Is Eizo S2410W(B) the best ~23-24" WLCD for Gaming?

no hdcp? mmm
okok i'll wait till a hdcp version comes... was just asking.

Author:  bsp [ 21 Feb 2006, 20:25 ]
Post subject:  Is Eizo S2410W(B) the best ~23-24" WLCD for Gaming?

i would go with the samsung, it has everything
else wait for dell´s 2407

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