[quote]Tamlin - just wanted to confirm something if you dont mind!! :D
Your choices will be "stretch horizontally"
Is this a span or just a stretch? I was wondering if this was a "true" span or just a stretch of the window.
Does the taskbar run across the bottoms of both screens (Start button will be on the bottom left of the left monitor and the clock/system tray on the bottom right of the right monitor)
Thanks :D
It gives a combined resolution (as oposed to two resolutions), so its a span, not a stretch. :)
1600x1200 x2 becomes 3200X2400 in windows.
Tamlin, with 2 monitors it is either 1600x2400 (Vertical span) or 3200x1200 (Horizontal span). I know you could do it in xp with old drivers, but dunno if you can do it with the newer.