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PostPosted: 03 Mar 2009, 22:58 
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Joined: 10 Jun 2005, 21:24
Posts: 1371
Tamlin - just wanted to confirm something if you dont mind!! :D

Your choices will be "stretch horizontally"

Is this a span or just a stretch? I was wondering if this was a "true" span or just a stretch of the window.

Does the taskbar run across the bottoms of both screens (Start button will be on the bottom left of the left monitor and the clock/system tray on the bottom right of the right monitor)

Thanks :D

It gives a combined resolution (as oposed to two resolutions), so its a span, not a stretch. :)

1600x1200 x2 becomes 3200X2400 in windows.


PostPosted: 04 Mar 2009, 00:17 
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Joined: 24 Dec 2006, 18:56
Posts: 764
[quote]Tamlin - just wanted to confirm something if you dont mind!! :D

Your choices will be "stretch horizontally"

Is this a span or just a stretch? I was wondering if this was a "true" span or just a stretch of the window.

Does the taskbar run across the bottoms of both screens (Start button will be on the bottom left of the left monitor and the clock/system tray on the bottom right of the right monitor)

Thanks :D

It gives a combined resolution (as oposed to two resolutions), so its a span, not a stretch. :)

1600x1200 x2 becomes 3200X2400 in windows.

Tamlin, with 2 monitors it is either 1600x2400 (Vertical span) or 3200x1200 (Horizontal span). I know you could do it in xp with old drivers, but dunno if you can do it with the newer.

PostPosted: 04 Mar 2009, 00:27 
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Joined: 10 Jun 2005, 21:24
Posts: 1371
Calculation error :P

You can do it with newer drivers on xp. I dont know if its broken in 9.2, but its advertised there at least in help section as available on xp.

PostPosted: 04 Mar 2009, 22:55 

Joined: 28 Feb 2009, 13:47
Posts: 12
Tamlin - thank you again for confirming that! :D

I used to game regularly spanned across my 2 20" monintors on XP but like I mentioned that option has vanished with Vista...something to do with "architectural differences" or something like that!!

I thank you all for your replies - I have deiced to be rid of Vista altogether. First I have to buy a copy of XP Home. What a nuisance...if ONLY I had know about this H-SPAN issue *before* I bought my new computer I would have so got it with XP installed. Oh well no point crying anymore :(

Of course the OTHER spanner in the works could be Windows 7. It actually looks like its shaping up to be a great OS but....will it have H-SPAN?! :?

Im gonna hurl if I discover (after installing XP) that WIndows 7 supports H-SPAN :o

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