Widescreen Gaming Forum

problem setting up bezel for surround
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Author:  grimpickle [ 10 Feb 2017, 03:23 ]
Post subject:  problem setting up bezel for surround

Greetings. I have been using 3 monitors for some time now without issue on a gtx 970. today i finally upgraded to a 1070 gtx, and the surround worked just fine with set up, only problem i am having is with the bezel set up. When i go into the surround set up in the nvidia control panel, for some reason, my leftmost monitor has the number of 1 and 2 on it, and the center has 3, so when i try to set up the bezel, the picture is actually in the middle of the leftmost monitor. Everything else seems to work fine, and in games its fine too, only the bezel is bugging me. Unfortunately i didn't write down what i had it set up as last time with my old card. I havent been able to find any solutions for this, so any help would be most appreciated. Thanks for you time.

Author:  b0n3z [ 20 Feb 2017, 19:38 ]
Post subject:  Re: problem setting up bezel for surround

Hello grimpickle, :welcome

Personally if installing a new video card, I would use Display Driver Uninstaller. I know the current driver should work just fine, but I would be more concerned about it remembering incorrect monitor settings. This sounds like what your dealing with now. At least after using this utility - you have a fresh start on the video driver and monitor configurations (without doing a clean OS install).



grimpickle wrote:
Greetings. I have been using 3 monitors for some time now without issue on a gtx 970. today i finally upgraded to a 1070 gtx, and the surround worked just fine with set up, only problem i am having is with the bezel set up. When i go into the surround set up in the nvidia control panel, for some reason, my leftmost monitor has the number of 1 and 2 on it, and the center has 3, so when i try to set up the bezel, the picture is actually in the middle of the leftmost monitor. Everything else seems to work fine, and in games its fine too, only the bezel is bugging me. Unfortunately i didn't write down what i had it set up as last time with my old card. I havent been able to find any solutions for this, so any help would be most appreciated. Thanks for you time.

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