Widescreen Gaming Forum

Refresh rate
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Author:  whitestar [ 05 Sep 2016, 12:07 ]
Post subject:  Refresh rate

Hi all.

I plan to have one XL2411Z (in the middle) + two XL2430T in surround. The nice thing about those monitors is that you can create refresh rates in 1Hz steps from 60 all the way to 120Hz. So if I create a custom resolution, say 5760x1080@85Hz, will that refresh rate then be available in the in the "Configure surround, physx" screen in the drivers?

So far I have only tested with two 144Hz monitors + one 60Hz, and obviously only "60Hz" was available in that dropdown, since (I'm assuming) you will always only get the refresh rate of the monitor with the lowest refresh rate.

But I just want to make sure that it's possible to get more than 60Hz refresh rate with those three monitors in surround.

Thanks :)

Author:  Haldi [ 05 Sep 2016, 13:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: Refresh rate

Is it possible to create a 2x1L Setup? So you could try it our for yourself.
If it's working with 2 Monitors it Most likely will work with 3.

Author:  whitestar [ 05 Sep 2016, 14:21 ]
Post subject:  Re: Refresh rate

Doh!! Why didn't I think of that myself, hahah! :D
Thanks, I will do just that and report back.

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