Widescreen Gaming Forum

Monitor Overlap/Negative Bezel correction
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Author:  gohybrid [ 06 Feb 2016, 10:14 ]
Post subject:  Monitor Overlap/Negative Bezel correction

I have a new desk that is just a little too narrow for three 23" monitors in landscape. I can get them to fit only if I overlap the side monitors with the center one fairly significantly.

I am using a GTX 770. Is there any way to create a custom Surround resolution that is smaller in the horizontal dimension that compensates for the physical overlap of the displays?

Author:  scavvenjahh [ 06 Feb 2016, 17:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: Monitor Overlap/Negative Bezel correction

Surround can't do that... Besides, to fix overlapping the graphics driver would have to duplicate a slice of the center picture on each side monitor, right ? I guess SoftTH can manage that in games, but is it even possible on the desktop ?

Author:  Garrett [ 07 Feb 2016, 04:16 ]
Post subject:  Re: Monitor Overlap/Negative Bezel correction

Nvidia surround still doesn't support mixed resolutions, so there is no ideal solution for this kind of setup. As scavvenjahh mentioned you can use SoftTH, but note that this doesn't work for DirectX 10 and later (OpenGL and Mantle are also unsupported).

Another workaround is to make a custom resolution for the visible portion of the central display and then use a borderless window. See imusrt's blog (particularly the Manual PLP Instructions) for how to accomplish this for specific games. UI position etc. may vary from what is described (your reduced setup is wider than PLP) but the steps are about the same. These methods won't work for every game.

Author:  gohybrid [ 07 Feb 2016, 07:42 ]
Post subject:  Re: Monitor Overlap/Negative Bezel correction

Thanks for the responses guys. A 34" 21:9 display is the perfect size for the space, but part of my justification for the cost is to make sure there is no good way to make what I have now work. It doesn't sound like there is.

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