Widescreen Gaming Forum

How create multi-monitor videos on YouTube
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Author:  Ludamister [ 06 Jan 2015, 16:45 ]
Post subject:  How create multi-monitor videos on YouTube

I've seen several videos from Skip and others on YouTube that displays it in a multi-monitor setup but I'm not exactly sure what they did.

What I was thinking was that they took the original video and made it so that it would fit inside a 4K resolution video. At least, that's my understanding of it. That way, when it expands to the sides of your virtual monitor, you'd catch the original video because its not caught in the black bar space. Perhaps Skids himself or someone else with insight can guide me as to how to render these videos?


Author:  Haldi [ 07 Jan 2015, 06:41 ]
Post subject:  Re: How create multi-monitor videos on YouTube

I do not fully understand what you mean.
I myself when making videos record them in 6048x1080p via MSI Afterburner reconvert them to 4096x728 pixel and upload them to YouTube.
On YouTube you can watch them on a single monitor with black bars on top/bottom or if you have an Eyefinity/Surround setup you can maximize it over 3 Monitors.

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