Widescreen Gaming Forum

New and with minor issues
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Author:  MasterKamiTzu [ 25 Jun 2013, 13:26 ]
Post subject:  New and with minor issues

Hey guys im new here :rockout: google is amazing lol.

I have my PC setup with 3 20 inch desktop monitors and a GTX 680 asus reference card.

I notice that many (if not most) games that i have tried have given me issues with the image not displaying properly in a "vertical" perspective.

Let me explain. If I fire up Force unleashed 2 Im not even to see the full image vetrically as in If I apply changes i wont be able to reach the whole menu again.

In BAtman Arkaham asylum during cinematics seems the videos are "zoomed in" note this are the in game animations like when you start talking to a NPC or have a special finishing move etc.

Im not sure if this is normal or if theres something i need to do to fix this :roll:

Anyways thanks for all the help

Author:  tepescovir [ 26 Jun 2013, 07:52 ]
Post subject:  Re: New and with minor issues

People use widescreen fixer for many games to correct fov etc.



But not all games will work perfectly, but most will with tweaking and it's worth the effort

Author:  MasterKamiTzu [ 01 Jul 2013, 04:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: New and with minor issues

Thank you sir =) I thought I had broken something haha.

Author:  Haldi [ 01 Jul 2013, 22:45 ]
Post subject:  Re: New and with minor issues

If you want to know if a game works properly or not, check out the MasterGameList

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