Widescreen Gaming Forum

Switching between single and Surround
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Author:  neema_t [ 16 Apr 2013, 16:55 ]
Post subject:  Switching between single and Surround

Howdy, long time lurker, first time poster. I'm sure this question comes up a lot but I wouldn't know what to search for to find it, please forgive me if the answer is blindly obvious.

So currently my setup is a GTX 680 with three Samsung 226BWs (1680x1050) plugged in to the two DVIs and HDMI (using a DVI - HDMI cable), leaving the DisplayPort free. Recently I've found I've been wishing I had an easy way to play PC games on my TV, my sim rig isn't as comfortable as my sofa so playing pretty much anything I can comfortably play with a controller would make much more sense on TV.

With that in mind, what I'd like to have is an HDMI cable running from my PC to the TV. That, however, means I'd have to presumably turn Surround off, flip a physical HDMI switch and then change the resolution to 1080p for my TV. If that's really my only choice, is there a faster way of doing it than that? I've heard on AMD cards you can set keyboard shortcuts for it...

Maybe I could move the Samsung that's currently in the HDMI port to the DisplayPort then have the TV plugged in via HDMI (for the audio)? Or do the three Surround monitors have to be in the two DVIs and the HDMI to work?

Another problem I've been having is that if I turn off Surround for games that don't like it (like Far Cry 3, for instance) then turn it back on, more often than not the NV Setup will crash before you have to rearrange the monitors, so I have the left monitor in the middle, centre monitor on the right and right monitor on the left which means I have to reboot, which means I don't play Far Cry 3 (mainly because if you play it windowed I find the mouse will break out of the window...). Naturally, I'd really like to avoid having to turn Surround off to prevent this from happening. I could probably get round to buying a longer DVI cable so I can have the monitors in the correct order in the first place, but... Yeah.

Last question: If you have four monitors hooked up at once and three in Surround, can you choose which one to game on or will it always choose the Surround ones?

Thank you kindly!

Author:  tet5uo [ 17 Apr 2013, 01:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: Switching between single and Surround

Im not sure about how to remedy your problem, but I sympathize about the CP crashing when going from surround enabled to disabled. Happens to me all the time since last year or so... seems like they could work on the drivers some more.

Author:  Wijkert [ 18 Apr 2013, 19:08 ]
Post subject:  Re: Switching between single and Surround

I have had similar problems. Please read this thread and let me know if is answers some of your questions.

Author:  skipclarke [ 18 Apr 2013, 20:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: Switching between single and Surround

Buy one of these SL-DVI > DP adapters.

http://www.amazon.com/Accell-B087B-005B ... ort+to+dvi

That will let you run your monitors with 3xDVI and 1xDP. Then use the HDMI to run the TV. When you plug in the 4th monitor, it will break the Surround setup. Go back in and reconfig Surround. Once you have that done, you'll have all four monitors running.

All you have to do is right-click on your desktop and go to Display Properties. Then you can select one "monitor" or the other and set it as the "main display". Works easy for me with both NV and AMD.

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