Widescreen Gaming Forum

Windows 8 and NVIDIA Surround2D - Working V Gaming Modes
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Author:  john bentley [ 06 Jan 2013, 05:16 ]
Post subject:  Windows 8 and NVIDIA Surround2D - Working V Gaming Modes

A list of how I setup and use working (independent/non surround) and gaming (span/surround) modes under: Windows 8; Nvidia Surround 2D; and a single Nvidia graphics card (of the right type) driving 3 (DVI) monitors.

The contents of this post have been moved and made into an article Win8 and NV Surround Guide: Working vs. Gaming Modes.

Continue any discussion on this article in the thread you are now reading, below.

Author:  anteronoid [ 10 Jan 2013, 16:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: Windows 8 and NVIDIA Surround2D - Working V Gaming Modes

Thank you very much for this!

I have been using Windows 8 for quite some time both for work and gaming.
This issues did annoy me but not to the extent that i really dug in to it.
And now I don't have to. Thank you!


Author:  john bentley [ 11 Jan 2013, 11:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: Windows 8 and NVIDIA Surround2D - Working V Gaming Modes

anteronoid, I'm glad to learn that my post has helped you out. :thumbup:

Author:  Delphium [ 11 Jan 2013, 11:37 ]
Post subject:  Re: Windows 8 and NVIDIA Surround2D - Working V Gaming Modes

Great post JB.
Thanks :)

Author:  skipclarke [ 11 Jan 2013, 19:06 ]
Post subject:  Re: Windows 8 and NVIDIA Surround2D - Working V Gaming Modes

Would you mind if we turned this into an article on the site?

Author:  Toothless Spoon [ 05 Apr 2013, 06:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: Windows 8 and NVIDIA Surround2D - Working V Gaming Modes

I'm thinking about upgrading from Win 7 Pro to Win 8 - I'm using nvidia surround and I just wanted to know if it's worth it? My folks recently got Win8 on their new laptop, and I've had a little play and it seems alright - but they also have a touch screen.

Author:  john bentley [ 14 Apr 2013, 11:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: Windows 8 and NVIDIA Surround2D - Working V Gaming Modes

Toothless spoon. It will be absolutely worth upgrading to Win 8 if you have a multiple monitor setup and an Nvidia card. The reasons why are contained in the article. Just note that only the more recent Nvidia cards support, on a single card, three or four monitors.

Author:  Toothless Spoon [ 16 Apr 2013, 11:02 ]
Post subject:  Re: Windows 8 and NVIDIA Surround2D - Working V Gaming Modes

john bentley wrote:
Toothless spoon. It will be absolutely worth upgrading to Win 8 if you have a multiple monitor setup and an Nvidia card. The reasons why are contained in the article. Just note that only the more recent Nvidia cards support, on a single card, three or four monitors.

I upgraded and so far its pretty good. I don't use the start menu thing much, I find that it's not exactly optimised for multi monitor same with media player etc. I was reading up on a lot of things and it would appear that Nvidia haven't released proper drivers for win 8 yet.

Author:  ugzz [ 18 Apr 2013, 03:01 ]
Post subject:  Re: Windows 8 and NVIDIA Surround2D - Working V Gaming Modes

everything about that post is awesome sauce with a side of cool beans.

Personally i only really needed 1 tip, and for me it worked immediately!

the tldr version for me would just be:
if you already have surround setup, working, ordered, just use windows+p and choose "extend" for 3x desktops, and choose "second screen only" for a SLS.

works like a champ and i didnt have to change a thing :)

I'm honestly awe struck on this one, i can't believe how well it works and how easy it is

Author:  Brett [ 23 Apr 2013, 02:31 ]
Post subject:  Re: Windows 8 and NVIDIA Surround2D - Working V Gaming Modes

Thanks for a super informative article, John!

Just note that only the more recent Nvidia cards support, on a single card, three or four monitors.

Thing is, I'm having trouble actually getting this to work. Does it require one of the 6xx series cards? I'm using 560s in SLI, and I just can't get this to work - I'm thinking it's because my monitors are plugged into the two cards.

Also, there are a few more slightly unique things about my setup - first, I have a second (older 8800GT) graphics card powering my TV, and second, the TV is a "second monitor". Basically the problem is that the solution in the article basically doesn't work as intended at all, and seems to have no effect. Maybe I'm doing something wrong?

Basically I WIN+P'd to "secondary monitor", set up everything in "working mode", then WIN+P'd to "extend", and ran through the Surround setup with bezel comp and all that. Switching back to "secondary monitor" basically has no effect.

Anybody have any ideas? Am I SOL and I have to upgrade to 6xx series, or even more SOL and this just won't work with an actual second (really, fourth) monitor?

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