Widescreen Gaming Forum

Should I removed my TH2G DE and use native nVidia Surround?
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Author:  RomanKory [ 24 Sep 2012, 18:19 ]
Post subject:  Should I removed my TH2G DE and use native nVidia Surround?

So, he is the deal... I'm installing a GTX670 or GTX680 card in my PC. Both card can do 3 monitor.

I have always used a TH2Go Digital Ed. Welp, with triple monitor support being native on nVidia
I want to know what people thoughts are as to if I should keep using the TH2G or go direct to the
nVidia card. i did read the Red v Green v Blue v2 post. I don't see the downside of removing the TH2G.

BUT, I want to get some more input from people using nvidia over longer term time-frames then just a
test. How is game support? any issue with games? what are the downsides as to games?

any help is appreciated... Thanks!!!

Also: am i understanding it correctly that nVidia direct losses a bit of performance over TH2G?

Author:  suiken_2mieu [ 25 Sep 2012, 05:18 ]
Post subject:  Well I actually don't see any

Well I actually don't see any reason for you to keep the TH2Go. Unless you're trying to save your ports for more monitors.
I went straight eyefinity right after release because I had 1080p monitors at the time and I couldn't get that with the TH2go (at the time).
You also get the ability to change individual monitor settings (i think). It maybe better, because some game auto sense that you're using surround whereas they wouldn't have a clue using TH2Go (or eyefinity for that matter).

EDIT: Also, you shouldn't see a degradation performance as both options SHOULD be hardware based, though surround used to require SLI. So IDK.

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