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BFBC2 HUD not all on centre screen.
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Author:  Mach1.9pants [ 21 Jan 2011, 02:35 ]
Post subject:  BFBC2 HUD not all on centre screen.

As the title says, my new set up has the HUD partially onto the outer monitors so, for example, the mini-map is split by the bezel. This is running 5760x1200 and didn't happen on my EF set up. I note that the display options only give 5760x1200 @59Hz -not 60 (it shows 59.999 or something like that in the ini)

So is it the same for everyone?

As an aside how to you use bezel comp in NV Surround?


Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 21 Jan 2011, 03:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: BFBC2 HUD not all on centre screen.

nVidia Control Panel should set up Bezel Comp resolutions for you if you say you want to use Bezel comp during Surround enable. Then just select the BC res. For me, the BC res of 5760x1200 is 6064x1200. :)

Author:  Mach1.9pants [ 21 Jan 2011, 03:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: BFBC2 HUD not all on centre screen.

Under what setting? Is it called bezel comp, I cannot see it? And is you HUD on centre screen only? with or without bezel comp


EDIT: or maybe i have to disable and re-enable surround to get that option,?

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 21 Jan 2011, 14:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: BFBC2 HUD not all on centre screen.

Yeah, disable and re-enable Surround, and during the Surround setup process it will ask you "are you happy now, or do you want to use Bezel Compensation?" or words to that effect. If you select no at that point, you're left without until you go through it all again.

I'm not playing BC2 on Surround; for whatever reason, that system does not like PunkBuster - just having the process running gives me random BSODs. A different rig is fine, though, so I play on that.

Author:  Mach1.9pants [ 21 Jan 2011, 18:39 ]
Post subject:  Re: BFBC2 HUD not all on centre screen.

Cheers, hopefully someone else will pop in too

Author:  fuzioninfinity [ 21 Jan 2011, 22:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: BFBC2 HUD not all on centre screen.

I play BFBC2 in NVIDIA Surround and my HUD is centered perfectly using bezel compensation @ 6060x1080@60hz.

To my knowledge you no longer need to disable/re-enable surround to access bezel compensation since the 260.xx drivers, once it's enabled, under the "Configure SLI, PhysX, Surround" menu, click the "Configure..." button under "Span displays with surround" and a menu should pop up asking you what you would like to configure, either "Displays" or "Bezel correction".

I'm not sure if that was what you meant by "pop in" but if you want me to play with you I gladly will :P

Author:  Mach1.9pants [ 21 Jan 2011, 23:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: BFBC2 HUD not all on centre screen.

haha no I meant pop in to this thread- your welcome to join me with 200 ping to NZ though! I don't like bezel comp in online games, I'd rather no have the bezel to look around but funny looking lines. In eyefinity the HUD and menus stay on the centre screen no matter what the res.

But thanks that works :) 6090x1200

Author:  Mach1.9pants [ 08 Feb 2011, 00:23 ]
Post subject:  Re: BFBC2 HUD not all on centre screen.

Almost works, still cuts off the edge of the map and most of peoples names on the chat. So can you confirm that ALL of your HUD, mini-maps and chat are on the centre screen?

The menu is the same, in EF it has black bars top and bottom but fits on the centre screen, however in NV there are no black bars and the menu spills onto the outer screens as does the HUD. Is there anyway I can fix this apart from bezel comp. I guess I would have to over-compensate (i.e. have more than the bezel hidden) to 'pull' in the map and chat so it is not under the bezel.

Any help appreciated

6090x1200... Menu: some options hidden (on the other side you cannot see the ticks and crosses on the server filters).

5760x1200... Menu: split by bezel, no black bars below or above like with EF.

6090x1200... In Game: Map (very annoyingly) partially under bezel, cannot see own teams score.

6090x1200... In Game: Text chat, as above, half my name is missing.

5760x1200... In Game: Map (also very annoyingly) split by bezel.

Author:  fuzioninfinity [ 09 Feb 2011, 06:45 ]
Post subject:  Re: BFBC2 HUD not all on centre screen.

My HUD is centered in the middle screen, it isn't split between at all the bezels at 6060x1080 or 5760x1080 (no bezel comp).

My guess is that the HUD is centered based upon a 16:9 aspect ratio, and you are using 16:10 monitors. If I set my resolution to a triple-wide 16:10 resolution, such as 5040x1050, then my HUD, as well as all the menus in the game are split between the bezels. Why NVIDIA Surround doesn't adjust the HUD/menus for 48:10 like Eyefinity does, I do not know. :-( I looked around the configuration files for BFBC2 and found nothing that looked like it could change the way the HUD is centered.

Like you said, overcompensation of bezel management is the only solution I can see, and you'd need to add so much that it would give you at least a 48:9 aspect ratio. Which is a pretty crappy solution, to be sure.. :(

Author:  Mach1.9pants [ 09 Feb 2011, 07:31 ]
Post subject:  Re: BFBC2 HUD not all on centre screen.

Hey thanks for the confirmation... I was wondering if it was just me! I will go native and live with the split, I am not scrimming this anymore so I can live with the distraction... although I'll still buy a beer for anyone that figures how to fix it :)

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