Widescreen Gaming Forum

Which is better for 3 monitors? 3 470s or 2 580s
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Author:  Avatar72 [ 14 Dec 2010, 06:05 ]
Post subject:  Which is better for 3 monitors? 3 470s or 2 580s

I'm thinking of jumping into a 3 monitor setup. I currently have one monitor at 1920x1200 and will likely buy two more like it.

I'm debating on whether to run 3 GTX470 to get one per monitor or 2 580 which would be a lot more money and slight less VRAM.

I play flight sim like DCS BS/A10, FSX, some driving games, FPS and RPG but my main concern for such a setup is for the flight sims and driving games.

Will the 3 470s suffice? I'm sure 1 470 for one monitor is fine and thats why I'm thinking 3 of them would be ok too. It seems like 2 580 over three monitors at that resolution would actually be more taxing.


Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 14 Dec 2010, 18:31 ]
Post subject:  Re: Which is better for 3 monitors? 3 470s or 2 580s

Two GTX580s would not be less VRAM. It would be more. SLI and CrossFire treat VRAM like RAID1 treats HDDs: all VRAM data is duplicated on each card.

So you'd have more VRAM (1.5GB) with two 580s, than you would with three 470s (1.25GB).

I'd go the two 580 route myself.

Author:  Zebrastealer [ 14 Dec 2010, 20:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: Which is better for 3 monitors? 3 470s or 2 580s

I think there is no question the 580's is the route to go, you might get more frames on some games with the triple 470's, but you also would have a lot fewer headaches, over at the Nvidia surround 3d forums a lot of people say the 3rd card in SLI offers no benefit to the vast majority of games - plus what Paradigm Shifter said regarding VRAM.

And the power requirements, noise and heat will be less with the 580's & it gives you an upgrade path should you decide to add a 3rd 580 in the future.

Author:  Avatar72 [ 15 Dec 2010, 16:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: Which is better for 3 monitors? 3 470s or 2 580s

Thank you or the feedback. I may have to wait a while longer then. The 580 are just too darn expensive right now.

Author:  stangflyer [ 16 Dec 2010, 05:48 ]
Post subject:  Re: Which is better for 3 monitors? 3 470s or 2 580s

I think there is no question the 580's is the route to go, you might get more frames on some games with the triple 470's, but you also would have a lot fewer headaches, over at the Nvidia surround 3d forums a lot of people say the 3rd card in SLI offers no benefit to the vast majority of games - plus what Paradigm Shifter said regarding VRAM.

And the power requirements, noise and heat will be less with the 580's & it gives you an upgrade path should you decide to add a 3rd 580 in the future.

Also a couple years down the road the 580's would be a much easier resale.

Author:  stangflyer [ 02 Jan 2011, 18:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: Which is better for 3 monitors? 3 470s or 2 580s

I agree with above> 580's

Author:  thales100 [ 02 Jan 2011, 19:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: Which is better for 3 monitors? 3 470s or 2 580s

2 x GTX 580, no doubt. :wink:

Author:  EvilEngineer [ 08 May 2012, 03:19 ]
Post subject:  GTX 680

GTX 680 :rockout


Also... for some reason the 580 is a power hog.

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 08 May 2012, 18:59 ]
Post subject:  Of course, when a new card is

Of course, when a new card is released months after the original question was posed... the answer changes! (Shock, horror, oh the humanity! ;) :D )

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