Widescreen Gaming Forum

Monitors disconnect
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Author:  Silastar [ 01 Nov 2010, 11:57 ]
Post subject:  Monitors disconnect

Hello everyone,

I have been playing WoW for quite some time now, and just acquired an extra 2 24' monitors to go with my main one, in order to enable the Surround Gaming. Everything works fine, except that from time to time, the screens just... disconnect. I get the Windows sound that tells me that something unplug, and then it plugs right back in. I get that event quite often. Any ideas?

Author:  g00seberry [ 01 Nov 2010, 15:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: World of Warcraft (WotLK Client)

Hello everyone,

I have been playing WoW for quite some time now, and just acquired an extra 2 24' monitors to go with my main one, in order to enable the Surround Gaming. Everything works fine, except that from time to time, the screens just... disconnect. I get the Windows sound that tells me that something unplug, and then it plugs right back in. I get that event quite often. Any ideas?

I've merged this post into here as it sounds somewhat related. Are you using EyeFinity Silastar? If not, I can give you your own topic.

Author:  Silastar [ 02 Nov 2010, 13:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: System has detected a problem with the connection between yo

Thanks! No, currently I am using Nvidia, but I've ordered an ATI Sapphire Radeon HD6870 - 1 GB: I believe that would solve the primary issue that I have with the Nvidia SLI configuration (heat and noise)

I am behind an APC for my main gaming rig: could that be the issue? Does the dual GC hog so much power that the APC cannot supply enough?

Author:  g00seberry [ 02 Nov 2010, 17:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: System has detected a problem with the connection between yo

OK, I've given this its own thread as it doesn't sound related.

I know it sounds incredibly patronising, but have you checked the cables? And do they disconnect during any other games or just WoW, or even under normal desktop usage?

Also, have you tried other driver versions? The one that seems to be most successful is 258.96.

Author:  Silastar [ 03 Nov 2010, 09:51 ]
Post subject:  Re: Monitors disconnect

Yes the cable are fine. I've updated the drivers to the most recent one though, and it seems to have solved the issue (version somthing like 260.11 I think).... No more issues... Weird...

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