Widescreen Gaming Forum

3D Vision on 3 monitors without 3D (planned) ?
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Author:  starfighter [ 03 Jun 2010, 17:19 ]
Post subject:  3D Vision on 3 monitors without 3D (planned) ?

is the possibility to use 3D Vision on three normal monitors (with 60hz) without the stereoscopic 3D effect?
It would be the same as Matrox TH or ATI Eyefinity.

Author:  Tamlin [ 03 Jun 2010, 18:10 ]
Post subject:  Re: 3D Vision on 3 monitors without 3D (planned) ?

is the possibility to use 3D Vision on three normal monitors (with 60hz) without the stereoscopic 3D effect?
It would be the same as Matrox TH or ATI Eyefinity.

Yes! :)

With the upcoming drivers that are due in the end of this month, Nvidia 3D vision surround will also support Nvidia surround (3 screens without 3D), which is their alternative to Eyefinity.

Here's their info about it and the requirements:

Author:  scavvenjahh [ 03 Jun 2010, 19:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: 3D Vision on 3 monitors without 3D (planned) ?

I foresee a lot of confusion between "the 3 screens thing" (Surround) and "the 3D thing with 120Hz panels and special glasses" (3DVision).
Both will require a SLI setup and Win7 anyway.

Author:  starfighter [ 03 Jun 2010, 22:17 ]
Post subject:  Re: 3D Vision on 3 monitors without 3D (planned) ?

that is good because 3d is depending on the right monitor and the right performance (in combination with nvidia surround).

Author:  r3v3nant [ 10 Jul 2010, 00:17 ]
Post subject:  Re: 3D Vision on 3 monitors without 3D (planned) ?

most people will only be able to afford the gear for the surround 2d version... which does work very well! I am playing games on it now and it's very stable. The other caveat is that and the 3d version makes a HUGE performance hit as it needs to render two full super wide images (to create the staggered image for the 3d to work) so it'll only work on some games and the performance is not too good unless you have a barn burning system..

Author:  tepescovir [ 10 Jul 2010, 14:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: 3D Vision on 3 monitors without 3D (planned) ?

i use 3 samsung 1920x1200@60 monitors with 480gtx's for surround gaming, you dont have to go near 3d if you dont want to.

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