[quote][quote]So the nVidia solution requires two cards for three monitors and someone here is far happier to spend that amount on gpus that will be superceeded in six months/a year rather than the single card option and spend the difference on monitors that will last far longer?
That's kind of a rediculous statement, in my opinion. I've never gone SLI in the first place, because my "gaming" consists of the Flight Simulator series and various other "racing" simulators that really don't benefit from an SLI configuration in the first place. But I was totally willing to buy a TH2G years ago (the price of a second "high-end" video card) for the Surround Gaming experience it provides in both flying and racing sims.
So yes...if a 3-monitor wide capability is achievable with a second nVidia card in SLI, I see the purchase as no different than buying a TH2G.
Your comment is like saying someone was crazy for purchasing a second video card for SLI in the first place.
And the fact that ATI may already have a single GPU that can do it most certainly isn't a benefit to everybody. It has been documented numerous times ATI cards do not perform as well as nVidia cards for certain "gaming" situations. MS Flight Simulator is one of them. I have nothing inherently against ATI GPUs, but I won't buy one for Flight Simulator until they can perform to at least the same level as an nVidia card for FS.
Respectfully submitted, and no animosity intended towards any ATI afficiados or reps here.
I hope you realize that those 2 cards you mentioned have to be the cards that aren't out yet? GF100 or GF200 as the old architecture cannot be used.
Do you have a source for that because as far as I know 200 series cards in SLI will work for surround gaming.