Hi all, it seems to bee a little outdated post, but...
I'm new to triple monitor (and to forums too :D ) and found this post very useful for the first steps of making a working enviroment when you are not playing and still want to use the surround resolution.
Matrox Power Desk is the best part of the solution, it's perfect now to maximize the aplications individually on each screen.
I've installed Classic Shell too, very very useful. I already knew it.
But for the start button, Vista Start Menu didn't convince me. Instead of it I prefer OpenStartMenu (from chrisnsoft.com). It's an .exe standalone file that simply launch the original Windows start menú, but the exe admit parameters when calling to it and the best one is to set where Start menú appears on screen (X, Y), so it's perfect for this. Problem resolved!
Here is how my desktop looks
I simply inserted a new toolbar with a folder that contains the link pointing to the .exe with the screen command. I named it 'Inicio' so marking 'show text' and unmarking 'show title' looks like this. I've also changed the icon file for showing Windows aspect.
But, there is a bug in OpenStartMenu. If you open the menú, and want to search something in the search field or if you simply run the execute comand (Win + R), the menú reset itself to original position (far left). I have no solution for solve it.
Another bug is when you open it and want to navigate to 'All programs', the menú reset itself to original position too, but I've managed to solve it by installing Classic Shell program and in the Start Menú settings of Classic Shell there is an option for showing all programs in cascade mode (like Windows XP). You can see it in my desktop screen. That option is in the Windows Start Menú tab, and there is an option called 'Cascading All Programs Menú'. Now you can look around all programs with OpenStartMenu and the menú won't reset itself's position.
But for last, there is another bug (xDDD). When you came from reboot or open Windows for the first time, although you have checked the cascade option, if you want to visualize all programs via openstart menú, the menú will reset the position to original too. All you have to do for solve it is clicking in original start menú (far left) and watch all programs (works good on there). Once you have done it, you can now view it in OpenStartMenu.exe. If you have the left screen off, and you don't wanna open it to do it, you can do it with keyboard veary easyly. Type WIN + UP ARROW + RIGHT ARROW for navigate to 'all programs' manually, and you have solved it too. In my case i've created a simple macro in my keyboard (G510) for doing it quickly, it's not an inconvenient for me.
The overall result looks like quite well for me. It permites to me to use the PC with at least two monitors (Center and Right). But i'm still searching the manner for bringing the tray bar and the clock on to the middle screen, but i have not found anyghing. I've spended a lot of time trying to find something, but no success.
There are some Windows key combinations that makes life more easy. One of them is typing WIN + ARROW LEFT or RIGHT to move a window application or explorer accros the desktop, it's very useful when an aplication shows up on to the left screen and you have that monitor off.
But my favourite is the combination of ALT + SPACE (Open the window menu) and then type 'M', and then you can move it whit the mouse veary easily (or with keyboard too). It doesn't work when an application is maximized to left screen for example (Matrox Power Desk setting) or another screen, but you can restore the maximitzation by typing ALT + SPACE and then typing 'R'. Now, you can type the combination againf for moving it. I have created a macro of Restoration + Moving and applied to a button of my mouse. It's my best friend for now xD, very useful!
I think that with that configuration and options you can work around with 3 screens pretty well. I have found another program called Display Changer (from 12noon.com), is a standalone exe file that permites you you to change the resolution by parsing the parameters of the resolution you want. I have configured it along a VBS file, and shows up an option menú allowing to change 1920x1080 or 5905x1080 (in my case) with simply two clicks. I've tested and it works very well, It's useful for lazy people that don't wanna navigate to screen properties or Nvidia Panel. But I think that with the actual configuration of my desktop I will not need Display Changer anymore. I will stuck with 5905x1080 res.
And that's it. Only left to find the manner to move sys tray and clock, and the enviroment will remains nearly perfect.
See ya ;)