If you delete your .profile and .cfg files you can start the game and it will re-detect your setup.
Aspect ratio will show as "Custom". 12:3 is not the correct ratio for my resolution at least, 5918x1200. After launching the game set your 3D resolution correctly to 100% and note that your aspect ratio says "Custom".
Exit the game and go to the very bottom of the .profile (hidden files must be on to view this file).
I edited the fovTop and fovLeft to be .93167 and 4.000000, respectively for MY RESOLUTION (probably not the correct aspect ratio for your setup) of 5918x1200. Your fov can be calculated by taking your horizontal res, in my case 5918 and dividing it by your vertical res, in my case 1200. This gives 4.93167 or ~4.9. Sooooo, the .93167 goes in the topFov and the 4.000000 goes in the leftFov at the bottom of the .profile.
Now you can see why 12:3 would stretch the image. 12/3=4 where as my resolution is nearly 5 which would be 15:3.
When the game launches, at least on my setup with SLi'd 570s, I get a glitchy flashing desktop bar on the far right of the screen.
To fix this, go to Game's video options, set 3D resolution to something else besides 100%, I usually choose 90%, then change back to 100%. Flashy bar on right side of screen gone.
Notice how when you change the video option: aspect ratio from 12:3 to Custom how @12:3 the image stretches. Yuck. Run custom.
Then to center your HUD on the middle monitor, search the .profile for "Triplehead=0" and change it to "1" and save.
This will center the HUD on middle monitor while using your custom aspect ratio.
I've also found that for some reason with this game... the more you mess with settings, the worse performance becomes. Not sure why, probably a bug.
Workaround for this is to mess with all settings and find where you're happy with visual settings, THEN perform the following:
1) take screen shot of all the settings the way you like them, or write them down.
2) delete the .profile and .cfg
3) relaunch game and set your settings 1 time the way you had them.
4) exit the game and set your fov, and triplehead=1 in the .profile
5) relaunch the game and enjoy
I had 80-90fps on most maps with 40-50 on night maps but the more I jacked with visual settings the lower my framerate went.
Eventually I was running 40-50fps on most maps and night maps were horrible at 15-25fps... must be a game bug.
After deleting the two files above and restarting the game and setting all my settings the way I had them, performance has stayed high. I won't mess with them again :)
Also, lowering the 3D res and then resetting it to 100% when you launch the game, to get rid of the flashy right side bar, doesn't affect the frame rate performance, it just gets rid of the flashy bar. This is either a game/driver/ or SLi bug and only needs to be performed once when after launching the game.
This is all running official 266.58 drivers on SLi.
_________________ i7 sandy 4.4ghz with a snorkel 1080gtx 8gb RAM Gigabyte P67-UD7 rev. B3 OS -Samsung 840pro 256GB ssd Games -Samsung 840pro 500GB ssd Pagefile -crucial 60GB ssd Storage -2x 4TB WD PWS -Seasonic Prime 1k Titanium