Widescreen Gaming Forum

Dark Souls 2 plugin for FlawlessWidescreen 26th of April
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Author:  nddcndndd [ 29 Jun 2014, 22:36 ]
Post subject:  Dark Souls 2 plugin for FlawlessWidescreen 26th of April

Hello. I need the version of the Dark Souls 2 plugin for Flawless Widescreen released by Hayden on the 26th of April. I think it's revision 2 or 3. The new version is giving me menu text issues. If someone has the old version could they post it or send it to me? Alternatively can someone tell me what I need to modify in the code to fix it.

This is with the new version (rev.4 DS2 plugin):
with Hud fix on (this problem didn't exist in the old version)

with Hud fix off (stat bonuses are out of place and text in menus is a bit off again but not as much)

I think what happened was that the fix for party members that came later broke the text on other menus with Hud fix on, when I disable Hud fix it gets a bit better but then I have a different issue where stat bonuses don’t display directly under the stamina bar.

I need the plugin from the 26th of April, since that one worked for me and I don’t care for the party members name bug. I don’t use summons anyway and I like having Hud fix on
Edit: The links to screenshots work now.

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