Widescreen Gaming Forum

Assassins creed 4 Black Flag issue
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Author:  ACAddict [ 24 Mar 2014, 23:27 ]
Post subject:  Assassins creed 4 Black Flag issue

hello WSGF users, i have a problem, with AC4, (not sure how to post images on here so...)

basically, i have my res at 4080x768 and the game is also there and for a long time worked fine no problems (except fish-eye) but just recently launched the game and now the game only shows on 1 screen with like a tiny blue line on the inside edge of my side monitors (if that even makes sense) if i could post pictures i would to try and explain better but i dont know how, here are some links though


And i have no clue what happened or how to fix this,

Author:  scavvenjahh [ 25 Mar 2014, 12:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: Assassins creed 4 Black Flag issue


The game is fundamentally averse to anything that is not 16:9 - sooner or later, black flags bars rear their ugly heads for no apparent reason...

Loading the AC4 profile in Flawless Widescreen should remove the pillarboxing.
If that doesn't help you can try asking jackfuste for a personalized fix: http://www.wsgf.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=26834&f=64

Author:  ACAddict [ 26 Mar 2014, 08:59 ]
Post subject:  Re: Assassins creed 4 Black Flag issue

yeah i tried flawless widescreen and widescreen fixer and neither of them worked i still get this

i just posted on the other forum page you linked me also

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