Widescreen Gaming Forum

GuildWars 2 Fix? GW2 Fix?
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Author:  TheVENOM [ 27 Aug 2012, 22:41 ]
Post subject:  GuildWars 2 Fix? GW2 Fix?

Hi everyone,

I was wondering if we had anyone that was currently working on a fix for those of us wanting to play GuildWars 2, Seems that the game has UI,stretching bugs and FoV issues.

Thanks in advance

Author:  Duetschbag [ 28 Aug 2012, 16:39 ]
Post subject:  I am curious on this as well.

I am curious on this as well. I know there is a 12.8 driver out, but since my PC didn't like the 12.7 driver I really don't want to install it if I don't have to. This may be something you can try.

Author:  kaburan [ 28 Aug 2012, 18:09 ]
Post subject:  The Camera function in GW2 is

The Camera function in GW2 is funky in general, it seems to clip almost on everything, even on a single screen. Though it's more apparent when on triple screen and interiors.

Author:  Zodiak [ 28 Aug 2012, 18:56 ]
Post subject:  The gameplay is fine in

The gameplay is fine in Fullscreen mode, issues appear when beinging up the world map and especially during cutscenes with alot of distortions. When playing in Windowed Fullscreen, things are better, gameplay is fine as in fullscreen mode, the world map is fine and the cutscenes are fine. Same thing goes for Windowed mode.

The UI however, chat is restricted to bottom left, party to top right and the Minimap restricted to the bottom right. The only play I know of so far is you can drag the chat window to where the party menu is and they will swap places.

Unfortunately, ArenaNet did mention that the UI would not be as customizable as in Gw1, the decision behind it, i dont know. However, maybe something can still be done about this.

I am playing with NVIDIA Surround on the new 306.02 Beta drivers, optimized for Guildwars 2 @ 4320x2560 on 3x 27 inch monitors on ultra settings. the game is stunning :)

Author:  HaYDeN [ 28 Aug 2012, 23:11 ]
Post subject:  Did you guys try

Did you guys try https://www.wsgf.org/forum/forums/gaming/mods-tweaks-tools-tutorials/21393/flawless-widescreen?page=37#comment-249305 ?

Author:  Duetschbag [ 29 Aug 2012, 04:16 ]
Post subject:  Just tried it. Unfortunately,

Just tried it. Unfortunately, it did not work. I could get the image to fully display across three screens, however it was very stretched.

Author:  Gishan [ 30 Aug 2012, 08:43 ]
Post subject:  Hi TheVENOM,it works better


it works better if you set it to "Windowed Fullscreen" mode.
Cutscenes are still not perfect but everything else seems fine to me.

Author:  MalOSB [ 30 Aug 2012, 13:00 ]
Post subject:  Guidlwars 2 Flawless Widescreen

Flawless Widescreen has just updated with a fix for Guildwars 2 and while not perfect it does give some good improvements. The hud is centered and you can now see your character in character creation even if squashed and fat. Same in conversations.

<3 Flawless Widescreen


Author:  reizors [ 30 Aug 2012, 15:30 ]
Post subject:  Anyone know how to fix this

Anyone know how to fix this problem? Chat & Party won't go on the middle screen.. When I click to drag the chat or party window (can swap them up or down) their green outlines show on the middle screen but they don't want to ACTUALLY appear there..
Pic: http://i.imgur.com/DLcin.jpg

Here are my flawless widescreen app settings: http://i.imgur.com/To2Ct.png

PC Specs:
fresh windows 7 x64 install as of yesterday
i5 2500k @ 4.9ghz
8gb corsair dom
2x 7970 saph ref in CF
3x U2412M IPS LED
5760x1200 @ 60hz

Thanks in advance for the help.

Author:  mr stroke [ 30 Aug 2012, 19:18 ]
Post subject:  reizors wrote:Anyone know how

Anyone know how to fix this problem? Chat & Party won't go on the middle screen.. When I click to drag the chat or party window (can swap them up or down) their green outlines show on the middle screen but they don't want to ACTUALLY appear there..
Pic: http://i.imgur.com/DLcin.jpg

Here are my flawless widescreen app settings: http://i.imgur.com/To2Ct.png

PC Specs:
fresh windows 7 x64 install as of yesterday
i5 2500k @ 4.9ghz
8gb corsair dom
2x 7970 saph ref in CF
3x U2412M IPS LED
5760x1200 @ 60hz

Thanks in advance for the help.


having same issues with the HUD

Chat and party windows are way off to the sides and can not be moved in the standard game or with the fixer installed :(

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