Widescreen Gaming Forum

BF3 crashes my PC
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Author:  Massivedance [ 14 Jul 2012, 11:15 ]
Post subject:  BF3 crashes my PC

This used to happen on average 1 in every few rounds, exactly like the old Opersation Firestorm crash bug.
But as of today it now crashes within a minute after the loading screen is done.
So i uninstalled and reinstalled both my nvidia drivers and the BF3 game, including all my personal settings.
Still crashing.
So i tried single screen out, worked perfectly - no crash.
Back to triple screen and crash...
Messed around with different triple screen resolutions but that made no difference.
Tried going windowed mode triple screen, crashed.
Every BF3 map this happens with. Makes no difference if im a soldier or in a vehicle.

Any ideas?

I have 2x 580 GTX's

Author:  Sh4dowking [ 14 Jul 2012, 13:37 ]
Post subject:  Does your computer just shut

Does your computer just shut down without anny message or does it restart. Or does it says ''BF3 stoped working''??

Does this problem only occurs with BF3 or also with other games??

What Power supply do u have??

Author:  Massivedance [ 20 Jul 2012, 07:11 ]
Post subject:  The computer just crashes and

The computer just crashes and hangs at a black screen on all 3 screens, the fans are all on and all sounds normal like when its still playing the game. I have to hold the PC case start button for a few seconds in order to shut the PC down, click the start button again to restart, im given the option to find out what went wrong if i want to use windows safe mode.

I dont play or have any other game installed, so cant test that.
I have a 1000watt corsair PSU, should be more than plenty.

Author:  Sh4dowking [ 24 Jul 2012, 11:41 ]
Post subject:  what are the temps of your

what are the temps of your GPU's and try to play a other game if you can because if other games run fine then the problem will be probably battlefield 3.
1000W PSU is fine.

Author:  Massivedance [ 03 Aug 2012, 14:30 ]
Post subject:  The temperatures are

The temperatures are fine.
Ive since tried:
changing the graphics drivers, ie uninstalling current drivers then performing a clean install of older or the newest drivers, at first the older drivers didnt crash for a while but later the crashing came back even when going full screen mode watching youtube videos. Older drivers seem to crash when watching youtube videos at full screen and newest drivers eventually crash it too, newest drivers crash BF3 as soon as i start running around as a soldier/vehicle but doesnt crash when using older drivers.

One time when i started the PC up and windows finished loading, when i clicked the MSN messenger window to show up on the desktop the PC crashed, so i cancelled MSN from loading, watched some youube videos but the crashing still persists.

Ive again also reinstalled BF3 three more times from trying different things when reinstalling the nvidia drivers and also tried windows restore.

If i use SLI mode to use just one monitor it doesnt crash.

When i was reading the intel website the other day checking out the spec's of their CPU's. The new CPU's support triple screen but there is no mention of support with previous generation CPU's. Maybe theres some code messing up somewhere between windows files and nvidia drivers, it could be that windows doesnt have any issues with new intel CPU's supporting triple screen.
I know it should be the graphics drivers messing up (or hardware, over heating etc) but flashplayer file types use a lot of CPU resources, so im wondering if its the CPU with the bug somewhere when controlling 3 screens. Like i said its completely fine if i use just one monitor so it has to be some conflicting coding somewhere.

I cant figure this out. Im thinking of just upgrading my older parts: get a new motherboard, SSD, memory, CPU. Im trying to save a LOT of money for a mortgage deposit so i was hoping not to upgrade my PC until next year when i was planning to build an entirely new beast of a PC.

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