Widescreen Gaming Forum

PLP 4960x1600 on a pair of GTX580's
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Author:  Spesh [ 24 Dec 2011, 19:43 ]
Post subject:  PLP 4960x1600 on a pair of GTX580's

Hi guys, this is my first post on the forum, so I'd just like to say hello.

Ok, now that's out of the way, I'm looking at picking up a couple of Dell 2007FP monitors to run in portrait either side of my 3007WFP. I have done some research into this however and from what I can see, this setup appears to be a bit of a PITA regarding getting SLI to work. I was curious to know if there are any members running this or a similar PLP setup and what sort of performance they get in game / how they went about configuring it?



Author:  BHawthorne [ 25 Dec 2011, 17:42 ]
Post subject:  Only way to PLP is SoftTH.

Only way to PLP is SoftTH. There are no other options.

Author:  Spesh [ 26 Dec 2011, 15:06 ]
Post subject:  Cheers for the response. Is

Cheers for the response. Is there still no SLI support in SoftTH?

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