Widescreen Gaming Forum

Dark Messiah Of Might And Magic - centered HUD ?
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Author:  Knudow [ 23 May 2011, 00:24 ]
Post subject:  Dark Messiah Of Might And Magic - centered HUD ?


I'm using Eyefinity and this is a ingame screenshot:

Is there anyway of changing the HUD position so I can have my health and mana on the center screen? It's a pain to look left and right to see them.

I downloaded the Matrox utility but don't know how to use it (I have the steam version of Dark Messiah. When I browse the exe and select the game it says that the game configuration file cannot be found)

Author:  scavvenjahh [ 23 May 2011, 17:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: Dark Messiah Of Might And Magic - centered HUD ?

Hi Knudow,

DMoMM is a Source game, so maybe it can be modded in the same way as HL² and L4D: Centered HUD Tool For Source Engine Games... v2 Now Live!

Matrox SGU is not a HUD centering utility; all it does is make sure you can select a TripleHead resolution from in-game settings...

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