Widescreen Gaming Forum

how to span across 2 ati graphics cards, 3 monitors?
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Author:  milkkart [ 28 Apr 2011, 03:29 ]
Post subject:  how to span across 2 ati graphics cards, 3 monitors?

hi, im trying to get my games to span 3 monitors in fullscreen. i've got 2 ati x300s and i can get it to stretch the desktop over two of the monitors which are on the same card but i can't add the other one. is there any way to get all 3 monitors to appear as one desktop?
ive also tried using a geforce 8800gts and one of the x300s which works fine for softth with trackmania and operation flashpoint but it doesn't seem to work with need for speed underground 2.

thanks for any help.

Author:  BHawthorne [ 04 May 2011, 13:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: how to span across 2 ati graphics cards, 3 monitors?

Won't work with your video cards unless you use SoftTH. Your only other options are to upgrade video cards.

Author:  GTA_Playa [ 11 May 2011, 22:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: how to span across 2 ati graphics cards, 3 monitors?

Use the 8800GTS and SoftTH. Need for Speed Underground 2 needs to be patched using UniWS. (Universal Widescreen Patcher)
Patch it to your triple head resolution and it should work fine.

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