Widescreen Gaming Forum

Halo 2 + nVidia Surround?
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Author:  skipclarke [ 08 Mar 2011, 02:46 ]
Post subject:  Halo 2 + nVidia Surround?

Hey guys,

It's me again, and I was wondering how do you run Halo 2 in triple wide resolution? The -vidmode command doesn't seem to have an effect any more...

Author:  skipclarke [ 08 Mar 2011, 03:06 ]
Post subject:  Re: Halo 2 + nVidia Surround?

w00t just tried running it in windowed mode with -w 5760 -h 1080 that did the trick :mrgreen:

Author:  GTA_Playa [ 31 Mar 2011, 20:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: Halo 2 + nVidia Surround?

Didn't work for me. Trying this does nothing. SoftTH stretches background video on menu across all heads, but everything else just sits on the left monitor.

Author:  suiken_2mieu [ 05 Apr 2011, 07:10 ]
Post subject:  Re: Halo 2 + nVidia Surround?

The way I get it, is playing the game in windowed mode, then resizing the screen using ultramon.

I just tried your solution and it doesn't work. How did you right you shortcut? Screenshot of you editing it maybe?


Well here's an easy way to do this without ultramon.

1. Run Halo 2 in windowed mode and then exit out of halo 2.
2. Make a shortcut of halo2.exe
3. Right Click the Shortcut and hit properties.
4. Under the the Shortcut tab (you should be there right now) you'll find a place that says "Run: Normal Window"
5. Change that to "Run: Maximized"
6. Hit OK
7. Double click the shortcut and halo 2 should run maximized across your main monitor.
--In eyefinity / surround that would be what ever is your grouped monitors.

This should work with any game that runs in a window.

Author:  GTA_Playa [ 10 Apr 2011, 04:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: Halo 2 + nVidia Surround?

Not working either. UltraMon just stretches the 1680x1050. Still can't increase actual render resolution or aspect ratio.

Running two NVidia cards here, 270.51 drivers, DVI/HDMI/DVI and still no option to enable surround. So Setting to maximize only works for center screen.

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