Widescreen Gaming Forum

Painkiller Redemption
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Author:  Ergonpandilus [ 25 Feb 2011, 18:58 ]
Post subject:  Painkiller Redemption

Does anybody know if it works in Surround?

Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__DmXSjk_hk

And it's rather cheap: http://store.steampowered.com/app/65560

Author:  geniv2 [ 26 Feb 2011, 00:29 ]
Post subject:  Re: Painkiller Redemption

I don't have the game but I would say probably. since the original PainKiller and the Battle out of Hell expansion works in eyefinity with a little tweaking.

though the next painkiller games after that really sucked :(

I hope this one is good.

Author:  Davros [ 26 Feb 2011, 01:23 ]
Post subject:  Re: Painkiller Redemption

I didnt know there was any other painkiller games after the Battle out of Hell expansion

Author:  scavvenjahh [ 26 Feb 2011, 10:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: Painkiller Redemption

:arrow: http://www.widescreengamingforum.com/node/
The same .ini edit works in all PK games, with the same limitations: Hor+ world, cut-off player weapons. Redemption is no different. These are Vert- games at heart though... much better in tallscreen than surround ;)

Great little game, btw. Really brings the old PK fun back to its roots.

Author:  geniv2 [ 28 Feb 2011, 15:10 ]
Post subject:  Re: Painkiller Redemption

thanks for the link. I got the game to work in eyefinity.

being a fan of the original Painkiller + Battle of Hell addon

though I logged less than 1 hour into PK Redemption.
I'm a little bit disappointed.

unless you are a seasoned PainKiller player. you will be overwhelmed.
the moment you start off you are rushed with WHOLE BUNCH of baddies. and ammo is not as plentiful as the original so it makes things tough. (I play in normal difficulty) not that it's bad but I went as far as the 3rd section of the "spikes" level and it's all the same thing.

goto a new area and WHOLE BUNCH of baddies rush at you. and repeat.
but so far I didn't notice any of the bugs and wierd "design decision" as the crappy "PK ressurection"

- play/feel likes a PK game (the good ones)
- Thank god it doesn't try again to sound cool like serioussam/duke nukem with the corny one liner "mmm taste like chicken"

- too repeative but not as "fun repetative" as the original
- constant on slaught of large number of baddies at every turn.
- IMHO the music is kinda annoying with constant heavy metal soundtrack.. (my ears... )

I will update this review when I play more into the game. but so far it doesn't suck like Overdose and Resurrection

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