[quote]A fix for disappearing objects on Multi-Screen resolutions due to some kind of Max-Object in View-Area would be needed, too... Bioware never fixed that :roll:
Is this because it's a console port? Because that's the only reason I'd think that would happen.
Dragon Age is for sure no console port, as the console version is more arcade. I dunno why they did that, but it is annoying when the grass and other environment objects are missing. This is definitely a minus for the atmosphere.
Yea this game is a pure PC game, the PC side was finished 8 months prior to the console release. That's one reason it was released with DLC, as they had time to create extra content.
From what I've read it has something to do with how objects are masked to a certain resolution, and considering were using custom resolutions, from some angles we'll see past this. Pretty sure its an engine problem too.
Not sure what engine this game uses?
Although i think the only place its massively noticeable is the elven wood? Seen other objects disappear but there definitely not as noticeable.