Widescreen Gaming Forum

COD MW problem
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Author:  mikeu48 [ 23 Jul 2010, 03:17 ]
Post subject:  COD MW problem

I have 3 monitors running in the regular mode. When I start COD MW the first screen loads on the center monitor then switches to the left monitor and the game plays on the left monitor. This just happened a few days ago. Before that it started and loaded and played on the center monitor with no problems. I went into COD 2 last night and that loaded and played on the center monitor with no problems. Any ideas ??? Thanks in advance.....

Author:  mikeu48 [ 24 Jul 2010, 13:07 ]
Post subject:  Re: COD MW problem

Figured it out after much screwing around swapping monitor hook ups. It was actually in the COD MW config_mp.cfg file.
this is how the line should read
seta r_monitor "0"
Live and learn.....

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