Widescreen Gaming Forum

modern warfare and widescreen fixer
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Author:  wadec22 [ 20 May 2010, 20:57 ]
Post subject:  modern warfare and widescreen fixer

Okay so my new eyefinity solution rocks. I quickly discovered that some games need an FOV fix, like Call of Duty 4. I read the forums to see what I need. Downloaded widescreen fixer and the game pack. I feel ridiculous but I do not get how to use this thing. It says I have the game running but I the fix always says "no" for enabled. I think you are supposed to hit ; to enable, but when I do that, it does nothing. What do I need to do? There are a lot of settings, none of which I get.

I have 3 monitors running on a 5870, 1360*768 or 4080*768, which is 3 - 16:9 displays.

Help! :)

Author:  tepescovir [ 21 May 2010, 00:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: modern warfare and widescreen fixer

go to settings tab in the widescreen fixer, under hotkey, tick the alt box and then highlight the box and pick a key.
ie if you press 1. it will probably show up as d1, dont worry about that.
but now you press alt 1 in game to activate it.

took me ages to figure it out, a simple readme me would be handy

Author:  KRAZYD0NUT [ 04 Jun 2010, 15:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: modern warfare and widescreen fixer

go to settings tab in the widescreen fixer, under hotkey, tick the alt box and then highlight the box and pick a key.
ie if you press 1. it will probably show up as d1, dont worry about that.
but now you press alt 1 in game to activate it.

took me ages to figure it out, a simple readme me would be handy

Just wanted say thanks , CoolMan=GCHQ=

as I couldn't figure this out also.

I just got my built done and a noob to eyefinity. MW2 rocks now. :rockout

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