Widescreen Gaming Forum

Transfomers: War for Cybertron
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Author:  Elmakai [ 03 Apr 2010, 02:46 ]
Post subject:  Transfomers: War for Cybertron

Is there any word if this game will support triple monitor gaming? I can't find anything on the net.

Author:  noquarter [ 03 Apr 2010, 13:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: Transfomers: War for Cybertron

I don't know but it uses Unreal Engine 3 so.. /sigh

Hopefully they add it though.. game looks cool, so glad they are not using the stupid models the movies used.

Author:  Elmakai [ 03 Apr 2010, 17:01 ]
Post subject:  Re: Transfomers: War for Cybertron

*Shrugs shoulders* I actually enjoy the "Bayformers", as they have been dubbed. There are many generations of Transformers, and those in paticular were made for a more realistic/complex look, I'm assuming, which I believe they did pretty well. At the same time, I was a fan of the original Transformers, so having the game models look somewhat like that is cool too. But from what I can tell, it seems it's more based on the recent anime series, no?

Author:  GitDat [ 24 Jun 2010, 02:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: Transfomers: War for Cybertron

This game is getting good reviews. Graphics are impressive. Must have triple head transformers! :twisted:

Author:  StAnToN [ 24 Jun 2010, 19:36 ]
Post subject:  Re: Transfomers: War for Cybertron

the game has turned up today from play.com so will you know.

Author:  StAnToN [ 24 Jun 2010, 20:11 ]
Post subject:  Re: Transfomers: War for Cybertron

nope while the game stretches across all 3 monitors it seems to be vert-.

Author:  GitDat [ 24 Jun 2010, 20:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: Transfomers: War for Cybertron

Anyone know the tweak to remove the 30 fps cap?

Author:  GeneralAdmission [ 24 Jun 2010, 21:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: Transfomers: War for Cybertron

nope while the game stretches across all 3 monitors it seems to be vert-.

If it's UE3 then a fix could be anything from relatively easy to extremely difficult.

Really wish companies would release more demos. This game is high on my interest list.

Author:  green_comet [ 28 Jun 2010, 06:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: Transfomers: War for Cybertron

Just got the game this morning, it runs with eyefinity at 6048x1200, but it is unplayable. The FOV is terrible, and the textures look shit compared to playing with a single screen. We need to find a fix, as the game is quite fun.

Single screen: 1920x1200

Eyefinity: 6048x1200 :doh

Author:  GeneralAdmission [ 28 Jun 2010, 07:37 ]
Post subject:  Re: Transfomers: War for Cybertron

UE3 Vert- in all it's glory. :( With the zoom-in effect that severe it's no wonder the textures look cruddy.

Question: Does the video options menu offer any selection for monitor aspect ratio? Typically it will list 4:3, 16:9, 16:10. If not, is there a setup utility for the game with this info?

If you can find a setting like this, please choose a single resolution and take comparison screenshots of all available aspect ratios. This would help determine how the game treats FOV.

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