Edit: I hope now in good english .. better than before ;-)
Now my Problem again:
I want to Play BFBC2 in Fullscreen. the games starts. The Menu is visible, and i want to klick Multiplayer.
[Multiplayer] [Other option] [Other option] --> i have to place my Mouse there X
10 cm more left than the option Button is shown. The same Problem i get in Crysis 1. The Problem, i want to join a squad at BFBC2 and i have to place my Mouse 10 cm more left to hit the Squad button. I want to join at a squad member.. i have to place my Mouse 10 cm more left than the button position.
So, any body out there how knows this Problem? I dont use Ultramon, only the Software from Matrox.
If a start BFBC2 in Windowmode all works fine. But i have the problem, that my Windows Tasakbar pops up some times, and i am out of the game. ....
I hope you can help me, or you can give me a english Word i can search for via google.