Widescreen Gaming Forum

Fallout 3, eyefinity & steam?
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Author:  l88bastard [ 24 Jan 2010, 04:40 ]
Post subject:  Fallout 3, eyefinity & steam?

Ok I bought fallout 3 on steam today so I could experience eyefinity goodness, however, it does not let me triple screen? It only lets me select 1600x1200 resolution when I need 4800x1200, however, it does not offer anything higher than 1600x1200! What the hell? How do I get eyefinity working with fallout 3 on steam?

I tried different aspect ratios like you have to do with left for dead 2 but that did not work! Anybody know how to git this puppy going?

Author:  Truckchase! [ 24 Jan 2010, 05:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: Fallout 3, eyefinity & steam?



Edit: oh and don't edit the FOV setting in the ini... I made that mistake with Oblivion. Have fun! :cheers

Author:  l88bastard [ 25 Jan 2010, 22:17 ]
Post subject:  Re: Fallout 3, eyefinity & steam?



Edit: oh and don't edit the FOV setting in the ini... I made that mistake with Oblivion. Have fun! :cheers

Thanks TC, I appreciate your help, now I gotta get the text working properly with it!

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