Widescreen Gaming Forum

MMORPG suggestions
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Author:  blkraven [ 11 Sep 2009, 02:19 ]
Post subject:  MMORPG suggestions

I'm using TH2G at 5040x1050. Anyone have any good MMORPG suggestions that support it perfectly or near perfectly? I'm bored and looking for a new game.

AION doesn't support it properly, and no one in game will give me an answer about Fallen Earth.

Is champions online worth a damn?

Author:  Kinesis [ 11 Sep 2009, 04:12 ]
Post subject:  MMORPG suggestions

I think Lord of the Rings Online and Warhammer online would be good choices to try out,both support triplehead rather well.
One is more PvE oriented(LOTRO) the other PvP(or RvR as they call it)

Author:  skipclarke [ 11 Sep 2009, 04:32 ]
Post subject:  MMORPG suggestions

Champions supports natively, but I haven't played it. LOTRO has great support, and I really like it. Dungeons & Dragons Online also has perfect support. It's now free to play. Both LOTRO and DDO are by Turbine.

Author:  blkraven [ 11 Sep 2009, 07:39 ]
Post subject:  MMORPG suggestions

Is DDO closing down?

I have played warhammer and well its an ok game but I find it lacking in a lot of ways.

I'm not really tempted by champions online. and Lord of the rings is mature so its lower on my list of options.

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