Widescreen Gaming Forum

Champions Online
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Author:  Tallon29 [ 21 Aug 2009, 05:17 ]
Post subject:  Champions Online

Messed around in the beta tonight. The game crashed whenever I tried to do the character creation at triplewide resolutions, but once I got past that the game itself ran fine.


Author:  baff [ 23 Aug 2009, 12:26 ]
Post subject:  Champions Online

Cool just having those same issues now, thought I might need to do it at low res too.
Thanks for posting.

Author:  Nosferatu05 [ 23 Aug 2009, 12:33 ]
Post subject:  Champions Online

uh dunno the game but it looks very ugly itself :shock:

Author:  StingingVelvet [ 23 Aug 2009, 21:54 ]
Post subject:  Champions Online

On top of being an ugly game all around, those pics look warped in some way.

I know MMOs need to cater to old computers, but damn... that just looks nasty to me.

The upcoming Star Wars MMO looks a lot better, despite being not that graphically advanced.

Author:  baff [ 24 Aug 2009, 19:49 ]
Post subject:  Champions Online

Press F12 to shift your HUD mini-map and character bars etc around the screen.

Author:  mancur [ 25 Aug 2009, 02:15 ]
Post subject:  Champions Online

Wow, those graphics look embarrassingly bad. :shock:

That ambulance looks like a 5-year-old drew it in Microsoft Paint.


Author:  Anirk [ 25 Aug 2009, 02:18 ]
Post subject:  Champions Online

That game looks horrible

Author:  Mergatroid [ 26 Aug 2009, 18:55 ]
Post subject:  Champions Online

It's not actually that bad when you are playing. That screen shot looks like it was taken with low to medium video settings. The higher settings look better, but at a cost; the game does not cater to low end machines. My computer is a bit above the recommended system specs, but frame rates tank when there is a moderate amount of activity on screen.

Also, the warping that you are seeing, Velvet, is actually an optical illusion created by the diagonal lines in the screen shot (the sidewalk crack on the left and the road on the right).

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