Widescreen Gaming Forum

DoW 2 Issues,
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Author:  Cygone [ 31 Jul 2009, 01:24 ]
Post subject:  DoW 2 Issues,

Good evening, I have just managed to get my TH2GDE running stable at 5040*1050 on Vista 32, so I thought I would play my game of the moment and load up DoW2.

Great the game supports 5040*1050 out of the box!!! GREAT? No, not really. The HUD elements are to the far extremes to the left and right (virtually impossible to play).

You cant scroll around the map as you need to 'push' the edges of the screen and they are just 'miles' away. And thirdly but by no means last. I no longer have the option to run 1680*1050 in game anymore,

Can any one shread any light on to any of these issues with any practical answers. What I dont want to do it disable my TH2GDE each time I want to kill a few Nids etc !

I would be happy to play in 1680*1050 (Centre monitor only though), but I have no idea how to make this happen

Cheers guys/gals.

Author:  svr [ 01 Aug 2009, 10:52 ]
Post subject:  DoW 2 Issues,

TH worked fine for me and I was able to switch back to 1680x1050. Maybe you should reinstall.

I didnt find a way to move the hud. If you do, let me know.

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