Widescreen Gaming Forum

vesa support for 3 monitors 22"Wide ???
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Author:  Activation [ 19 Jul 2009, 11:34 ]
Post subject:  vesa support for 3 monitors 22"Wide ???

I'm looking for a more just to have one foot instead of my 3 screens 22 "wide

problem I can find models that best suited for screens 19" wide
such as Ergotron


there is there any manufacturer who is focused on the issue, while the manufacturers of such screens samsung already sings the screen will be the standard 23 "wide


Author:  zalbarthemad [ 23 Jul 2009, 22:31 ]
Post subject:  vesa support for 3 monitors 22"Wide ???

I had the same problem. Decide to go with 3X the LX desk mount.

Quite happy with them, and it allows a LOT more freedom, especially when I wanna sit back on the couch and watch a movie. Simply grab the middle monitor and whoooosh pull it out.

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