Widescreen Gaming Forum

call of duty: world at war
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Author:  insane8472 [ 29 Apr 2009, 16:15 ]
Post subject:  call of duty: world at war

I wasn't able to find anything on this game, but when playing it at 5040x1050, it is all stretched, even on the center monitor. What do I have to do to get this game running properly? Thanks.

I have another problem with grid. Get stuck at loading, please wait with the th2g connected.

Author:  dopefish [ 29 Apr 2009, 20:23 ]
Post subject:  call of duty: world at war

Use my app. :)


Author:  escrotumus [ 17 Jul 2009, 22:46 ]
Post subject:  call of duty: world at war

V 1.5 came out today. No idea if it wrecks the fixer or not. Will try after I apply it.

Author:  Mach1.9pants [ 18 Jul 2009, 00:32 ]
Post subject:  call of duty: world at war

The Fixer always (AFAIK) needs an update for every patch, so we just have to wait until DF gets the time to look at it :)

Author:  dopefish [ 18 Jul 2009, 00:58 ]
Post subject:  call of duty: world at war

Yeah, you'll need to wait until Tuesday when my new video card arrives. The video RAM on my old video card went bad so I'm without gaming until next week. So unfortunately, if the fixer doesn't work (with CoD4, the SP part of the game actually worked across many versions, but the MP had to be updated each time), then you'll have to go through the weekend without it. :)

Author:  (TNT)BW [ 19 Jul 2009, 00:52 ]
Post subject:  call of duty: world at war

Sorry to hear about your graphic card problem DF, we'll have to wait patiently for your update.

Author:  dopefish [ 19 Jul 2009, 04:48 ]
Post subject:  call of duty: world at war

Yeah, I had placed the order Wednesday night, so I was hoping it would ship out Thursday morning and make it here on Monday, but it took 48 hours for the package to go 21 miles. It's finally on the move, though, but it will still take until Tuesday evening for UPS to deliver it.

Author:  dopefish [ 22 Jul 2009, 06:44 ]
Post subject:  call of duty: world at war

Widescreen Fixer v1.49.0 has been released.

* I have not had EB test this version. Use at your own risk.
* Added support for Call of Duty: World at War v1.5 (Single-Player)
* Added support for Call of Duty: World at War v1.5 (Multi-Player)

1.48.5 (Never released):
* I have not had EB test this version. Use at your own risk.
* Added in checks for FOVs of 1.0, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 for Battlefield 2. This will hopefully allow mods like Forgotten Hope to be used with correct field of views. Note that this may mess with default game settings with Battlefield 2. If you come across any problems while playing Battlefield 2 regularly, let me know ASAP so I can fix it.

Official site here:

Donations appreciated.

Enjoy. :)

Author:  (TNT)BW [ 23 Jul 2009, 12:33 ]
Post subject:  call of duty: world at war

Thank you, much appreciated. :D

Author:  escrotumus [ 24 Jul 2009, 13:45 ]
Post subject:  call of duty: world at war

you're the man dopefish. thanks mate.

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