Widescreen Gaming Forum

Guitar Hero 3 in surround gaming
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Author:  ithrial [ 07 Dec 2008, 23:00 ]
Post subject:  Guitar Hero 3 in surround gaming

anyone able to get this to work right out of the box or with some hack...I coundnt find anything on the forum and it just black screens on me even though I hear some sound...

Author:  P-Storm [ 08 Dec 2008, 00:08 ]
Post subject:  Guitar Hero 3 in surround gaming

I know that widescreen is supported, but for triplehead, what is the extra for it? :roll:
Just curious

Author:  geniv2 [ 08 Dec 2008, 04:11 ]
Post subject:  Guitar Hero 3 in surround gaming

I know that widescreen is supported, but for triplehead, what is the extra for it? :roll:
Just curious

hehe I would like to know too.

maybe you can pivot it and hava extra long note layout? :P

Author:  Special_K [ 08 Dec 2008, 22:11 ]
Post subject:  Guitar Hero 3 in surround gaming

That would require a negative hyperspeed hack as well. Scrolling speed would be faster without it simply because the time from when the notes appear to the time they disappear at the bottom would be the same no matter how long the chart is. You would have to modify the game to scroll slower than normal/no hyperspeed. I also get black screens, but I don't mind honestly.

Author:  Yui [ 09 Dec 2008, 00:06 ]
Post subject:  rply

I don't think it's advisable to use surround gaming on guitar hero if ever it's possible. The monitor bezels might mess up the timing of the colors.

Author:  Leapo [ 18 Mar 2009, 20:12 ]
Post subject:  Guitar Hero 3 in surround gaming

Well, I've been messing around with forcing the game to run triple-wide, and there are a few problems.

Problem number 1: 3D elements are vert-, so running it triple-wide actually shows you less of the stage background.

Problem number 2: The game refuses to run at any resolution wider than 16:9, selecting a wider resolution causes the game to default back to 1024x768 on restart.

Problem number 3: If you use SoftTH and force a wider render target (in my case 5040x1050), the game will render the 3D backgrounds wider, but 2D elements like menus and the fretboard are stuck in a little box on the left monitor. Checking the in-game display settings reviles that it still thinks its running 1024x768 even though it's bring forced to go wider, which is probably what's causing the misalignment.

Some screenshots of what I'm talking about: .

This is obviously going to need a patch to make it work right...

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