Widescreen Gaming Forum

Getting correct FOV for Bioshock triplewide?
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Author:  kodex [ 29 Nov 2008, 21:56 ]
Post subject:  Getting correct FOV for Bioshock triplewide?

I have three 19" widescreens running at 1440x900 through SoftTH on XP. I updated Bioshock to 1.1, but I can't find any option the change the FOV in the game menus. How exactly am I supposed to do it?

Author:  khula [ 30 Nov 2008, 01:52 ]
Post subject:  Getting correct FOV for Bioshock triplewide?

Graphics menu. Bottom button. FOV lock. It is quite unmissable.

Good luck with playing this game without crashing every 4 minutes 57 seconds. If it does, don't forget to delete the "running" file under application data folder, otherwise all your custom settings (sound & video) reset to default.


Author:  skeeder [ 30 Nov 2008, 05:19 ]
Post subject:  Getting correct FOV for Bioshock triplewide?

Also check out the wiki

Author:  kodex [ 30 Nov 2008, 07:16 ]
Post subject:  Getting correct FOV for Bioshock triplewide?

I had tried to update with the English/German patch, but it didn't work on my child-killing copy. I got the worldwide version and was able to set the correct FOV.

Author:  Electrix [ 30 Nov 2008, 23:26 ]
Post subject:  Getting correct FOV for Bioshock triplewide?

Graphics menu. Bottom button. FOV lock. It is quite unmissable.

Good luck with playing this game without crashing every 4 minutes 57 seconds. If it does, don't forget to delete the "running" file under application data folder, otherwise all your custom settings (sound & video) reset to default.


1. FOV Lock doesn't make the ingame-menu or HUD any different. At least not on my computer..

2. I haven't had a crash once and I played over two-three hours.

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