Widescreen Gaming Forum

PowerDesk SE error ...help
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Author:  Mach1.9pants [ 26 Jun 2008, 23:30 ]
Post subject:  PowerDesk SE error ...help

Hi all
I have recently ditched Vista (an update stuffed about 3/4 of my games, I have had enough) so reinstalled XP on my rig. When I installed powerdesk SE I got this error:

Matrox PowerDesk-SE - Error
LowLevelDllFailure: Error occured in LowLevelDll: 1

Has anyone had this before? I re-installed PD-SE and it worked OK once. But on restart next day same error again. Any help would be appreciatted.

Author:  wazoo [ 28 Jun 2008, 07:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: PowerDesk SE error ...help

Hi all
I have recently ditched Vista (an update stuffed about 3/4 of my games, I have had enough) so reinstalled XP on my rig. When I installed powerdesk SE I got this error:

Matrox PowerDesk-SE - Error
LowLevelDllFailure: Error occured in LowLevelDll: 1

Has anyone had this before? I re-installed PD-SE and it worked OK once. But on restart next day same error again. Any help would be appreciatted.

Yup.... and no idea how to solve it. :(

Author:  Mach1.9pants [ 28 Jun 2008, 08:57 ]
Post subject:  Re: PowerDesk SE error ...help

Yup.... and no idea how to solve it. :(
well it can be solved, sorta, by reinstalling. Seems to work OK until restart, so leave PC on or reinstall for every start :shock:

Author:  Mach1.9pants [ 30 Jun 2008, 20:56 ]
Post subject:  PowerDesk SE error ...help

Well after I really useful email from Matrox (NOT: have you installed the latest driver? it said. One of the things they ask to include in the support email is driver installed, which I listed as the latest :roll: ) I tried to figure out how to get around it myself.
I have found if you boot or swap to using a normal screen. i.e. unplug the DVI cable and have it in a single screen (I have a spare 24") then start PD-SE, say no to any auto adjusting it wants to do then plug it back into the TH2Go box..presto it doesn't crash.
A bit of a palarva but only takes me about 20 secs and I can't play games on the TH2Go without the PD-SE (no bezel management!) so I will stick with that system until I get a useful reply from Matrox.

Author:  Guybrush [ 01 Jul 2008, 16:03 ]
Post subject:  PowerDesk SE error ...help

i had a problem with the latest powerdesk software/driver i got off the website
nothin worked in single screen mode :o
reverting back to the one on the cd was fine.

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