Widescreen Gaming Forum

Witcher + TH2GO
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Author:  funkster319 [ 31 Dec 2007, 16:27 ]
Post subject:  Witcher + TH2GO

I've been playing the witcher in 3840*1024 but unfortunately the Cutscenes do not work ? They bascially appear too large, out of aspect and sometimes just black out?

Any ideas? Fix?

Author:  Downtown1 [ 02 Jan 2008, 07:28 ]
Post subject:  Witcher + TH2GO

I too would like a fix. The Witcher is the best RPG of the year, it really deserves a quick glance at to fix the cutscenes.

Author:  M03IUS [ 07 Feb 2008, 19:40 ]
Post subject:  Witcher + TH2GO

Same problem here... been playing the game in my single screen..wish the cut scenes worked in TH2go :(

Author:  scavvenjahh [ 14 Mar 2008, 17:14 ]
Post subject:  Witcher + TH2GO

Same here. The worst thing is, *dialogs* too are (visually) broken, while wandering and fighting around works so perfectly in SG. I sometimes play @ 3840x1024 and only go back to 1280x1024 for dialogs, but that's pretty tiresome.

I hear there'll be a "revamped" version of the Witcher to be issued this spring, hopefully proper Surround Gaming support will be part of the promised enhancements...?

Author:  thefunk007 [ 23 Aug 2008, 11:47 ]
Post subject:  Witcher + TH2GO

Hey guys, did this problem ever get resolved? Game looks great in 3840 x 1024 shame the cut scenes don't work ;-(

Author:  scavvenjahh [ 27 Aug 2008, 11:08 ]
Post subject:  Witcher + TH2GO

Nothing new that I know of. The Enhanced Edition should finally be out soon (september), but there's no clue about better surround support :/

Maybe some lobbying would help, it may be a bit late but I'll check it out...

Edit : http://www.widescreengamingforum.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=138195 :WWTH2Go

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